Beyond My Imagination

By Aaron T. | Montreal Mission Trip Member

IMG_0705Before the trip, I never imagined that God has this plan for me. It is the guiding of God that I could be involved in this ministry. I first heard about the ministry from a friend and then I had the chance to actually see how the ministry works on the streets in Hong Kong. Last summer, I was in a workshop that was led by a DRIME mission team where I learned a drama and had the chance to do this drama on the streets of Toronto. One year later, I myself was on the mission trip, training others and sharing the love of God on the streets.

IMG_0826Through this two week mission trip, God has really shown me his love and mercy for me and for his people, and he pushed me through the barrier of fear with his love, saying I am his child and I can do all things by relying on him. While doing ministry on the street, I tried to overcome my fear and talk to the people that were watching. Once I stepped out in faith, I felt peace and I found that conversation turned out to be fruitful. Praise the Lord!


See more pictures from the Montreal mission trip here! 

2019-09-19T00:26:03-04:00July 19th, 2016|