How Do You Know It’s Real?


By Jordan B. | Mission Team Member

I answered her question as well as I could, which led me to giving my testimony. She said she didn’t believe in a God and opened up about her struggles with the churches she had attended in the past, and how she came to believe that Christians were more greedy and treacherous than non-believers.I was barely five steps out of a drama when she rushed in front of me. “How do you know it’s real?” asked a frustrated looking woman who had been watching the dramas for quite some time.

As the discussion continued, it became clear that her heart had hardened from her past, but began to soften through the conversation. She seemed unwilling to believe in trustworthy churches, but she went from not believing in any God to saying she believed, but didn’t know why it had to be this God. I felt that I was in a position to challenge her to seek out a good church. She said she would consider it, then she left.


The night of ministry had ended and the DRIME team was debriefing the night, but I kept feeling a tug on my heart. I looked to my left and there she was, sitting alone staring out over the sea. God still wanted me to do something, so another DRIMER and I went over to the woman and asked if she wanted some good churches. She accepted and we gave her the address of a good church nearby. We found out she was Korean so we started going between her native language and English, which allowed us to address more of her concerns that she couldn’t express earlier and relate them to what she had seen in the dramas.

After this, her demeanor changed and she seemed slightly more hopeful than before. She began to open up more about her past, frustrations, and what she really wanted. She followed up with us the next day, and I was able to tell her about my church in Korea, since she mentioned she would be returning there soon.

I hope to see her in church, but even if I don’t, I know that I can trust God who began a good work and will continue to work in her life.

This story is from our mission trip to Hong Kong last month. Check out another story from this trip (or this other story) or see some pictures here!

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2019-07-19T05:04:33-04:00September 18th, 2014|