About Estefania Hernandez

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The first-ever DRIME International Base Leaders Summit (now named DRIME Leadership Summit) is held in Nairobi, Kenya, with leaders from six countries in attendance. The Summits will continue to happen every two years.

2021-09-24T12:20:23-04:00March 2nd, 2012|


DRIME joins the ministry of Power to Change (formerly Campus Crusade for Christ Canada).

2019-07-25T03:34:03-04:00January 1st, 2007|


DRIME launches its first international team in Gramado, Brazil in partnership with Janz Team.

2019-10-09T23:39:35-04:00August 1st, 2003|


Tanya Price has a vision to use creative tools of evangelism to share the gospel with the lonely and searching of this world. She shares her dream with friends and fellow students in the cafeteria and dorms of Northwest Baptist College and before long this small group of 10 enthused students begins an outreach ministry [...]

2019-10-09T23:38:48-04:00October 2nd, 1994|