Meanwhile, In Africa…

After the drama, he explained to us that in seeing the suffering that Christ endured for him he realized how ungrateful he had been by not accepting the sacrifice of Jesus.

2019-07-19T05:04:54-04:00April 2nd, 2013|

No Excuses

At the beginning of the conversation he insisted he didn’t want to be saved; he admitted he was a sinner and was going to hell... Finally Keith said, “I don’t have any excuse anymore..."

2019-07-19T05:04:54-04:00December 28th, 2012|


"If it’s true that Jesus healed the lame, blind and wiped away the tears of the weeper then I think it’s also my time he wipes my tears," said Susan.

2019-07-19T05:04:54-04:00October 4th, 2012|

A New Creation

She asked me to share the word with her, and so we shared Jeremiah 33:3: “Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.”

2019-07-19T05:04:55-04:00June 23rd, 2011|

African Adventures

They literally attend practices, make their way to ministry locations and weekly serve on the streets - amidst political uncertainty, consistent poverty, and family struggles...I'm inspired to make my life count the way they do!

2019-07-19T05:04:55-04:00May 26th, 2011|

Bringing Light to Benin

The national religion of Benin is voodoo, so it is very common and widespread. The people there are held captive by fear of the evil that is very present in voodoo practices and curses.

2019-07-19T05:04:55-04:00July 13th, 2010|