Not By Chance

Benjamin confessed that since giving his life to Christ he had not been living the way God would want him to: he was struggling with the desire to do things he knew were wrong because he was having difficulties in his life. But being with the DRIME team again and hearing about all that God had done, he realized that it was not by random chance that he first encountered the DRIME team.

2019-07-19T05:04:33-04:00October 9th, 2014|

Kenya Connections

One of the pastors that we connected with shared with us: "Many times you've visited his church doing ministry but I have just come to realize how effective the tool is. The materials you have for evangelism have impacted my life."

2019-07-19T05:04:33-04:00July 4th, 2014|

Saved from Suffering

But there was a voice inside of me that said "Don't leave, but call on the name of the Lord for shelter instead. You still have a God! The One that made you."

2019-07-19T05:04:33-04:00June 11th, 2014|

Lives Changed in Togo

The DRIME member had barely finished asking her if she wanted to give her life to Jesus and she quickly responded: "Yes, I want accept Him in my life. "

2019-07-19T05:04:33-04:00May 26th, 2014|

Hopeless & Searching

We shared with him the hope he could have with a relationship with Jesus and we were able to pray into his situation. He was feeling very hopeless in his situation and he longed to find comfort in this “God” we spoke about.

2019-07-19T05:04:53-04:00October 31st, 2013|

Hopeless & Searching

We shared with him the hope he could have with a relationship with Jesus and we were able to pray into his situation. He was feeling very hopeless in his situation and he longed to find comfort in this “God” we spoke about.

2019-07-19T05:04:53-04:00October 31st, 2013|

Judging Justly

He was then asked by the team member to imagine that there is a judge who is the father of a child who is a delinquent on trial, and the father was the one who had to judge his son in public for the crimes he committed. This member asked "Could the father judge in all honesty and honour his commitments as a father by defending his own son who has never done any good deeds in his life?" Samuel responded quickly: "No."

2019-07-19T05:04:53-04:00October 15th, 2013|

“Do you know the Bible very well?”

The intensity in his face and quick pace of his questions made me think that he was trying to start a debate, but I quickly learned that he was just hungry for truth. "My father is a Christian and my mother is a Muslim. I am older now, and I can choose for myself."

2019-07-19T05:04:53-04:00August 21st, 2013|